Delivery and payment

Chem-Craft > Delivery and payment

Delivery and payment

Last updated: April 17, 2023


At the time of delivery, please check the condition of the package and its contents in the presence of the courier and sign the delivery note. In case of any issues please report them in the delivery note.

Shipping costs:

Shipping within Poland costs 150 Euro. If the purchase amount is at least 3500 Euro, shipping is free.

Shipping to EU countries costs 200 euros, while to non-EU countries the fee is 300 Euros. If the purchase amount is at least 3500 Euro, shipping is free.


When your order is ready to ship, you will receive an email with your order number. This email also includes a link to the delivery status of your shipment.

Payment by card (Visa/Mastercard/American Express):

Your order will be processed once the funds have been credited to our account.
Stripe payment card transfer authorisation systems guarantee the highest level of security for online store customers.